أنت هنا
Trans Arabian Energy Services Consultants W.L.L
This is the detailed information about Trans Arabian Energy Services Consultants W.L.L, including company name, city, p.o.box, telephone, fax, email and etc.
Company name: Trans Arabian Energy Services Consultants W.L.L
Primary Industry: Construction and Design → Architectural and Engineering Services → Engineering Consulting Services
بلد: Bahrain
مدينة: Riffa
Primary Sector: Construction
عنوان: Building 15; 1st Floor, Office 21; Road 3; Riffa Al Shargi Area, Block 909; P.O.Box 38052
هاتف: + 973 3969-0211
الموقع: www.transaes.com
البريد الإلكتروني: [email protected]