أنت هنا
Manea Mushabab Al Otaibi Establishment for Contracting
This is the detailed information about Manea Mushabab Al Otaibi Establishment for Contracting, including company name, city, p.o.box, telephone, fax, email and etc.
Company name: Manea Mushabab Al Otaibi Establishment for Contracting
Primary Industry: Construction and Design → Civil Contractors → Infrastructure
بلد: Saudi Arabia
مدينة: Riyadh
Primary Sector: Construction
عنوان: Al Sibaei Building; 1st Floor; Othman Ibn Affan Road, Exit 7; Hay Al Wadi; P.O.Box 4931; Riyadh 11654
هاتف: + 966 11-274-2693
البريد الإلكتروني: