Dose Cafe Food & Beverage Service Activities Company W.L.L bir Bahreyn şirketidir, Building 234 Road 62Block 1058'de yer almaktadır. daha fazla detay aşağıda yer almaktadır.
Şirket Bilgisi
Şirket Adı : Dose Cafe Food & Beverage Service Activities Company W.L.L Şehir/Vilayet : Zallaq Ülke : Bahrain Adres : Building 234 Road 62Block 1058 İletişim : Mohammad A Gh H A Qabazard,Beshara Abdo Fath Alrahman Besh,Ali H H Hasan Kategori Faaliyetleri : Direct Selling IndustryÇalışan : 10 Toplam Yıllık Satış : $0.91MProfil : Dose Cafe Food & Beverage Service Activities Company W.L.L is located in Zallaq, Bahrain and is part of the Direct Selling Industry. Dose Cafe Food & Beverage Service Activities Company W.L.L has 10 total employees across all of its locations and generates 0.91 million in sales (USD).
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