Zurich International Life bir Bahreyn şirketidir, Almoayyed Tower P.O. Box 10032Seef District'de yer almaktadır. daha fazla detay aşağıda yer almaktadır.
Şirket Bilgisi
Şirket Adı : Zurich International Life Şehir/Vilayet : Manama Ülke : Bahrain Adres : Almoayyed Tower P.O. Box 10032Seef District Uluslararası Alan Kodu : 973Telefon : +973-17563321 İletişim : Ahmed Emam Kategori Faaliyetleri : Insurance Agencies & Brokerages IndustryÇalışan : 26 Toplam Yıllık Satış : $3.12MProfil : Zurich International Life is located in Manama, Bahrain and is part of the Insurance Agencies & Brokerages Industry. Zurich International Life has 26 total employees across all of its locations and generates 3.1 million in sales (USD). There are 1,364 companies in the Zurich International Life corporate family.
Daha Fazla Bağlantı
Business Communications Network
Lmg (Middle East) E.C
Zurich International Life
Arabian American Insurance Company (Bahrain)
Aon Bahrain W.L.L.
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