Al Dur Power And Water Company Bsc C bir Bahreyn şirketidir, Al Seef Area, Block 428 Orchid Business Center 2795Street 2835, Road 1705'de yer almaktadır. daha fazla detay aşağıda yer almaktadır.
Şirket Bilgisi
Şirket Adı : Al Dur Power And Water Company Bsc C Şehir/Vilayet : Alseefdistrict Ülke : Bahrain Adres : Al Seef Area, Block 428 Orchid Business Center 2795Street 2835, Road 1705 İletişim : Shafic Jamil Ali,Frederic Michel Nicolas Claux,Manuel Francisco Colcombet Kategori Faaliyetleri : Electric Power Transmission, Distribution & Marketing IndustryÇalışan : 50 Toplam Yıllık Satış : $7.39MProfil : Al Dur Power And Water Company Bsc C is located in Al Seef District, Bahrain and is part of the Electric Power Transmission, Distribution & Marketing Industry. Al Dur Power And Water Company Bsc C has 50 total employees across all of its locations and generates 7.33 million in sales (USD).
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