Mooyah Burgers Fries Shake is a Bahrain company, located in Building 2634 5720 Road 4626Block 257. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: Mooyah Burgers Fries ShakeCity/Province: AmwajCountry: BahrainAddress: Building 2634 5720 Road 4626Block 257Contact: Ahmed Yousif Hasan Almurbati,Sameera Abduljabbar Mahmood AlkCategory Activities: Direct Selling IndustryEmployees: 10Total Annual Sales: $0.91MProfile: Mooyah Burgers Fries Shake is located in Amwaj, Bahrain and is part of the Direct Selling Industry. Mooyah Burgers Fries Shake has 10 total employees across all of its locations and generates 0.91 million in sales (USD). More Links Cafe Blanc Lebanese Kitchen Central Restaurant Wll Mooyah Burgers Fries Shake The One Basics. Terminal Burger S P C ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments