Abneya W.L.L is a Bahrain company, located in Building 584 Road 718Block 207. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: Abneya W.L.LCity/Province: MuharraqCountry: BahrainAddress: Building 584 Road 718Block 207Contact: Ali Hasan Ali Hasan Janahi,Abdulla Abdulaziz Jalal Almeer,Waleed Abdulrasool Hasan AbdullCategory Activities: Nonresidential Building Construction IndustryEmployees: 100Total Annual Sales: $16.23MProfile: Abneya W.L.L is located in Muharraq, Bahrain and is part of the Nonresidential Building Construction Industry. Abneya W.L.L has 100 total employees across all of its locations. More Links H . W . T . Contracts S.P.C Builders Choice Contracting Abneya W.L.L Alghanim International General Trading And Contracting Company - Foreign Branch Delmon Millenium Contracting Co S P C ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments