Ag Hospitality Wll is a Bahrain company, located in Building 927 3830 R 3811Block 338. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: Ag Hospitality WllCity/Province: ManamaCountry: BahrainAddress: Building 927 3830 R 3811Block 338Contact: Meshal A A AljarallahCategory Activities: Government IndustryEmployees: 125Total Annual Sales: $9.71MProfile: Ag Hospitality Wll is located in Manama, Bahrain and is part of the Government Industry. Ag Hospitality Wll has 125 total employees across all of its locations and generates 9.63 million in sales (USD). More Links Bernard & Partner Management CompanyW.L.L. M.C.Dean.Inc - Foreign Branch Ag Hospitality Wll Norris Production Solutions Middle East Llc Pizza King S.P.C ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments