CALIFORNIA CARPET DECOR CENTRE is a Bahrain company, located in Bahrain. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: CALIFORNIA CARPET DECOR CENTRECity/Province: ManamaCountry: BahrainP.O.Box: Po Box 15666 Behind Universal Food Center, Gudaibiya ManamaFax: 973 17310414 and 973 17310515Classification: Carpet and Rug MillsBlind and Shade ManufacturingHome Furnishing Merchant WholesalersCategory Activities: Carpet - Installers\nBlinds Awnings - Mfrs SuppliersArea: Manama More Links MARTINZING LAUNDRY DRY CLEANERS SUPER LAUNDRY DRY CLEANING WLL CALIFORNIA CARPET DECOR CENTRE UNIVERSAL ENTERPRISES BAHRAIN CARPET CENTRE ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments